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Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Effect of World War II on Childersburg

When the United States got involved in World War II, what effects did it have on the Childersburg area?


Anonymous said...

Childersburg made heavy medal and the Atomic bombs for the war in the Alaba Ordinance Works (AOW). BY:Elle Maddox

Anonymous said...

The A mericains droped bombs on the japenses.Then the japanse surenderd.ByYANEISE#20

Anonymous said...

Childersburg wanted to help out sowe thay got a lot of poeple to come.Then thay made a buildings sowe thay good make gun powder and
heavy waterfor the atomic bomb.

Konner Knight

Anonymous said...

More people came to work at the Alabama Ordnance Works and they also built a movie theater and a bowling alley. Kym Wood

Anonymous said...

First the Japenses had droped a bombs in the U.S.A and that way the WAR had got started by the th Japenses and after the WAR ended and the Japenses srender.
Justice Kidd

Anonymous said...

Childersburg's population went from 470 people to 1500 people in just a few months. By: Austin Douglas.

Anonymous said...

The U.S.A said they were going to stay out of the war but The Japenese dropped bombs on Pearl, Harbor and the war was on , soon the Japanese surrendered.
Lynsey Datcher #7

Anonymous said...

Childersburg made heavy water for the atomic bomb at Alabama Ordinance Works.Some people called Alabama Ordinance Works the AOW.By Adrian Wesley#21

Anonymous said...

The Americans droped bombs on the japaneese and they surrendered.The women made gun powder,heavy metal atomic bombs and heavy water.BY.Jashawn

Anonymous said...

People started coming to Childersburg when the goverment hired people to build the Alabama ordinance works. Then the goverment hired people to work in the AOW.Then more people started coming to work.But there were to many people and not enough houses.So they slept in chicken coops, barns, and they rented out rooms.by:Jotham Dark

Anonymous said...

that childersburg did not want to get involved in the war. Isaiah marbury

Anonymous said...

We biult the aow to make heavy water and gunpouter for the otomic bomes.It when from 498 people to over 15,000. By Ches Bryant

Anonymous said...

the Americans droped two atomic bombs on the Japaneses.The whole war stared by the Japanese they droped a bomb in Pearl Harber.Then they got them back by droping the bomb on the Japaneses.Then the Japaneses gave up.By:Lexi Grier

Anonymous said...

The United States bombed the Japanese and then the Japanse surender.BY YANEISE#20

Amy Cockrell said...

What I learned about in how did WarII effect Childersburg is that the women worked for the men while they were in war,that united states bomed the Japan and they surrendered,people used to come to childersburg from their home town to work and make more money,if people didn't have any place to live then they would live in chicken coops,barns,tents,and rented out rooms,some workers build a bowling alley a movie theater,and the last thing is that the allied people WON! Destiny Jones 13

Anonymous said...

The Alabama Ordinance Works made gun powder,and heavy water to make the atomic bomb.Travis Batchelor #1

Anonymous said...

Childersburg's population went from 498 people to 15000 people in just a few months. By Austin Douglas.

Anonymous said...

People started coming to Childersburg when the goverment hired people to work at the Alabama Ordnance Works (AOW).There were to many people and not enough places to live,so they lived in Chicken Coops,Barns,Tents,And they rented out rooms in peoples houses. The men were out fighting in war while the women worked In The Alabama Ordnance Works (AOW). The U.S.said they wouldn't get in the war,but Japan bombed Pearl,Harbor and the U.S.couldn't stay out of the war any longer and the U.S. bombed Japan and the Japanese Surrendered. War Was Over!
Lynsey Datcher #7

Anonymous said...

Many ships were sunk during the war.And they worked at alabama ordanance works making gun powder.

Anonymous said...

childersburg wanted to help sowe thay made buildings and in those buildings there was gun powder and heavywater the heavy water was made for the atomic bomb and some of the gun powder was used for the atomic bomb and the uther half was made for guns. konner knight 15

Anonymous said...

they did not want to get involved in the war into japenese had bombed Pearl Harbor then allied forces had to jump in to the world war 2 then the allied forces had bombed japenese then the japenes had surendered then then Germany had surrendered then childersburg had a population of 498 to 15,000 then thousands of people came to work and prepare the armyso they can win this war and then the men left and the women took over the mens jobs and people were living in chickin coops, and rented out houses and barns, preisiden Rosavelt had declared that they would have war with the allied forces then the axis power did surrender and then when japenese had bombed pearl harbor then boats were sunked and a lot of people died in the war. isaiah marbury

Anonymous said...

CHILDERSBURG was effected cause of the bowling alleys movie theater and they tore them down so it went from 498 people to fifteen thousand cause of the bowling alleysand the moive theater. AUSTIN HOLMES#12

Anonymous said...

The effects it had on the childersburg area is people started to come it went from 498 to 15000.A lot of people came but there were not many houses so some of the people lived in chicken coops,barns,and they rented out rooms in people's houses.by:Jotham Dark

About Me

I am a fourth grade teacher with 26 years experience in grades 3, 4 and 6. I have really enjoyed my years as a teacher. I am married to a wonderful man and have two children, both boys. One is 22 and the other is in 12th grade and is now a United States Soldier! I also have two step-children.