A place where we can share our thoughts and ideas!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

End of School!!

There are only 34 days left in this school year.  What do you hope to improve on from now until then, and how will you do it?


Anonymous said...

I hope to improve math from now on until then. I will do better because we are going to study in school. By: Kym Wood

Anonymous said...

I hope to improve on all subjects such as math,sience,history,reading and also I hope to improve on softbell and cheerleading. By: Elle Maddox

Anonymous said...

I want to improve my reading because i want to get better at it.I also want to improve my multiplication because i am not very good at my times. Lexi Grier #10

Anonymous said...

I wan t to improve everything then i can get better at it then i will grow up to be a smart person isaiah marbury17

Anonymous said...

I hope to immporve on having a better relationship with Mrs. Cockrill from now to then.I will do that by being better in Class, in P.E.,and in Music class.Adrian Wesley.

Anonymous said...

Yes because I wanted to make AB aroll and do my best at reading so I can go to firth.Justice Kidd

Anonymous said...

I hope to make it like I did in third grade when I was in third grade it was hard and I was so glade that I past.And I wan't to improve my work by trying very hard and doing my best and I hope that I past to go get my alplacatoin and go live my life like always and go get a J-O-B- go for college. BY YANEISE COTTONHAM #20

Anonymous said...

I hope to improve on reading and math.I will study at home.by:Jotham Dark

Anonymous said...

I hope to improve in Math from now on.I will do better cause I'll Pay attention and study hard .
Lynsey Datcher #7

Anonymous said...

i hope to improve in math because i got a b and i want to make that an a and i will do better in school:Astin Hlmes

About Me

I am a fourth grade teacher with 26 years experience in grades 3, 4 and 6. I have really enjoyed my years as a teacher. I am married to a wonderful man and have two children, both boys. One is 22 and the other is in 12th grade and is now a United States Soldier! I also have two step-children.