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Monday, May 9, 2011

Alabama Adventure

What was your favorite part of our field trip to Alabama Adventure, and why?


Anonymous said...

My favorite part of our field trip to Alabama Adventure was the rampage ,because itwas so fast and fun.Adrian Wesley #21

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of the field trip was the roller coasters ,the bumper cars,and the little cars.Because they wer so fun and crazy i thought that i was gonna fall off both of the roller coasters i wasn,t even scared. By. Jashawn Mcelrath

Anonymous said...

My favorite part was the swings you went up,up,and up. It was so awesome.By:Kym Wood

Anonymous said...

The favorite part was the ride that
was the first one I got on because it spins in circles very fast.

Travis Batchelor #1

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing to do was the rollercoaster. people said that it was scary but it wasen'tbut it went fast. konner knight 15

Anonymous said...

My favorite was the musical rollercoaster.Because it goes foward and backwards realy fast i love going fast by:Jotham Dark #5

Anonymous said...

My favorite part was riding the zoomarang cause it takesup backwards and frontwards so you get dropped backwards by: Austin Holmes

Anonymous said...

mine was the zoomerang because you go up realy high up in the air then you go 50miles per hour and then you go in 3 loops then you go foward and backwards that what I liked about the field trip Isaiah Marbury

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of the field trip was the boat ride. It had water but you didn't get wet and there was a thing that twirls while you were in the boat spining aroun and it went fast and it was very fun!
Lynsey #7

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of Alabama Advemture was riding the Zoomerang. I loved it because it went really slow backwards and allof the sudden dropped you really fast. I also liked the rampage but its was alot slower than the zoomerang but it was fun because it was wooden and while you were riding it it felt like the tracks were going to break. That was the best field trip ever. By: Elle Maddox

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing was going on the Rampage because it was fun and scary at the same time. By:Lexi Grier

Anonymous said...

My favorite thang was the Zoomerang.Becouse it went very high and it had three lups in it. It looked like you were going to fall off.The Rampage is a nother one I liked.Becouse it went very fast and it went under the thraks. By Ches Bryant #2

Anonymous said...

my favort part was when me and konner road the zoomarang we wher in the very back austin hollis

Anonymous said...

My favorite was the bomb cars because you get to go fast and you get to bomb into each otherad the othe thimg I got to ride was the swings I got to ride the swingstwo times.It was fun and then I tryed to win something but I didn'tandI WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO made and then I got to go to the -place where they sale candy and I got to get the powder candy andi got the candy that was very long and it was to my feet and It was the twisters.By:YaneiseCottonham

Anonymous said...

My favorite ride at Alabama Adventure was the Zoomarane me and Ches sat at the very back. It was my favorite ride because it pulls you up really high and then it just drops you and then you do five loops and then it pulls you up backwards and then drops you again and then you do the five loops again but backwards. Austin D. #8

About Me

I am a fourth grade teacher with 26 years experience in grades 3, 4 and 6. I have really enjoyed my years as a teacher. I am married to a wonderful man and have two children, both boys. One is 22 and the other is in 12th grade and is now a United States Soldier! I also have two step-children.