A place where we can share our thoughts and ideas!

Monday, May 2, 2011

PBL Celebration

What part of Friday's Project Based Learning Celebration did you enjoy the most and why?


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed greeting people because you got ot meet different people and I got to shake the mayors hand. That was my favorite thing to do during PBL Celebration. By:Kym Wood

Anonymous said...

The most fun thing was the photostory cause that showed the the people who gave there live for our freedom so we can do what ever we want and the people who gave us the something to look up to and the thing that we can look up to is the people who gave there live for our freedom. by:Austin holmes

Anonymous said...

I liked greeting people the most.It was fun to all the people who came to see our P.B.L Project.Adrian Wesley #21

Anonymous said...

The funnest part was the United States made out of clay and the Desoto Caverns.
By:Travis Batchelor

Anonymous said...

The part where we had to show and tell the visitors what it was all about and show the people the itums and tell what they ment.By:Lexi Grier

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed learning about the diffrent badges such as the purple heart.jashawn mcelrath

Anonymous said...

I liked the part when all the people got to watch the veidowith our voces on them.I liked shaking the mayor hand and some people couldn't not say my name right and I said Yaneise and then they will say ir then the gorner came inI think that man was the govner and then we figersd out a croosword puzzle then some of us got to watch the movie but I didn't.Iwas happy to shak the govner's hand thenIgot to just smile at peopleand tell them my name it was fuuuuuuuuun. By:Yaneise

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the people coming in and asking questions about what we learned about the project.isaiah

About Me

I am a fourth grade teacher with 26 years experience in grades 3, 4 and 6. I have really enjoyed my years as a teacher. I am married to a wonderful man and have two children, both boys. One is 22 and the other is in 12th grade and is now a United States Soldier! I also have two step-children.